Sunday, December 6, 2009

beanie for tim

pattern: original by far north yarn co.
yarn: noro, silk garden, 45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lamb's wool
weight: dk
color: 268

this was a really cool design that the son of the owner of far north yarn co. created. he was in the shop wearing one that he had made and i just loved it. though he had not really perfected the pattern, he wrote the basic instructions for it, which gave me enough to be able to figure out the rest. the pattern is not complicated at all, but using a yarn with enough color varigations is the key. i used two skeins of noro (which has ten million different unique color patterns and is gorgeous!) and then fished out the colors i wanted from the middle of the skeins to get two nearly solid colors to do the k2, p2 ribbed edge. after a few rows of that i just used one skein to finish it up. the color gradation is so pretty and makes it look as if you did something special, but really its just the yarn doing the work. this was a birthday present for my tim last year.

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