Sunday, June 21, 2009

cabled headband

i started this ages ago for my mom, but as with many of my projects, i put it down just before it was finished. i say its because i get bored, but i think its really because i just don't want to let the baby go yet. ridiculous. anyway, i tossed it in my luggage back in april and last night finally pulled it out and finished it up. i have one just like it in a light brown baby alpaca, but i have to say, i think this periwinkle one is even better.

cabled headband
pattern: original by Far North Yarn Co.
material: reynolds, andean alpaca regal, 90% alpaca, 10% wool - bulky (297)
i like the way kay wrote the pattern for joining this in the back. it starts with a provisional cast on and then joins with a kitchener stitch at the end so it ends up seamless. very cool. (did i really just refer to a knitting technique as "very cool"? wow.)

if you've never worn a headband in the winter instead of a hat, you should give it a try. its nice and cozy without making you too hot.


  1. Very nice! Does Mom just love it beyond belief?

  2. thanks cerra. not sure if she actually loves it, but i think she likes it. i'm not sure that she will really wear it though.

  3. I LOVE IT... and I will wear it when ever I want!(hot or cold I mean :)
